“Change and Continuity in Professional Community: The PUBYAC Electronic Discussion List in Historical Context.” Kate McDowell, Children and Libraries, Spring 2006, p6.
“You’ve got too much mail: tips for interacting with your peers in discussion groups.” Walter Minkel, School Library Journal, Feb. 2004, p35.
Liar: an Irene Kelly mystery, by Jan Burke, ©1998. PUBYAC is featured as the means by which a children’s performer, who is a relative of the murdered woman, is contacted.
“A content analysis of PUBYAC–a preliminary study.” Judit Bar-Ilan, Betty Assouline, Information Technology & Libraries, Dec97, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p165.
“Angry Hawaiian librarians denounce B&T outsourcing.” American Libraries, Jan97, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p12.
“PUBYAC: Yacking it up on the Internet.” Shannon VanHemert, Journal of Youth Services, Fall95, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p79.
“Old Dogs Learning New Tricks.” The Hornbook, May/Jun94, Vol. 70 Issue 3, p260.